A few years ago a friend of mine gave me a HP Z552 Media Center computer. It has been a great computer though it has started to get old and parts are starting to wearout. About six months ago the DVD drive in it died. I went to replace it and as I was looking around I found a BluRay DVD drive that was only $30 more than a regular DVD drive as Best Buy (LG 10x BluRay Rewriter BH10LS30) so I spent a little extra on the BluRay drive. I brought it home and installed it without a hitch, though when we tried to play a BluRay disk in it we got errors. At that time I did not have the time to troubleshoot the issue. Since it played normal DVDs fine I ignored the issue for a while.
A few weeks ago I decided to troubleshoot the issue with my Media Center machine not being able to play BluRay disks. I quickly discovered that the issue with my Media Center machine not being able to play BluRay disks was due to my video card that was installed in the Media Center machine. Thinking that this would be an easy fix to the issue I went to Altex (I miss having a Frys Electronics close by, this is the closest store to it). I decided to purchase a EVGA GeForce 9500 GT. It is not the most powerful of cards though it was powerful enough to meet my needs and would last for a while. I brought the card home, took a part my DVR and instantly realized that the card would not fit. The case was a "slim-line" case, which I did not realize previously, and a regular-sized card would not fit.
I took the card back so that I could exchange it for another. Unfortunately there are not a lot of cards that can easily fit into a "slim-line" case. I purchased an EVGA GeForce 210. This card is designed in a way that I could take the face plate off and fit it into the slot in my machine. I brought the card home and fit it into my machine, hooked up all the connections and plugged my machine in to test it. Interestingly enough the machine would not boot up. I could not think of any reason why adding a new video card could do that (typically if the card is bad the machine would still get power though it would beep to let us know that there is a problem). There was no power at all on the board. The fans did not start the indicator light on the board was not on, nothing. I figured it was the power supply though I wanted to make sure.
I made another trip to Altex and purchased a 400w power supply and a power supply tester (I had never seen one of these before and since I help other people with their computers so often thought that it would be a wise purchase). I brought these home. First I connected the old power supply to the tester and it indicated that there was not any power. Next I plugged the new power supply into the tester just to make sure that it was working fine and all the lights came on. So I validated that the tool works fine and the old power supply is dead. Now my problem is this, the old power supply is custom for the box and you cannot go to a store and purchase one of its size, the manufacturer also does not make this part any more and the only way to get a new one is through an after market part supplier. So my decisions are to purchase a new one and wait three weeks for it to arrive, use the new power supply that I bought and modify the box to make it fit, or buy a new box that the new power supply would fit into.
Since I do not have the tools to modify the box and the potential risks associated to it are kind of high, also because I am impatient and did not want to wait for a part to provide I decided to try to rebuild this machine in a new box. Or in other words use all the current internal parts and migrate the to a new box. I went back to Altex and after looking around a bit and came across a new dillema. The current box has a micro ATX motherboard and three PCI cards and an AGP card in it. The problem is that the board itself only had one PCI slot. That PCI slot had a riser card with three more PCI slots in it. I looked at all the boxes that Altex had and could not find any that I could modify so that all the current hardware would fit into it. At this point I was at the end of the day on a Saturday and I decided to leave the decision till Monday (partially because Altex was now closed for the day).
Monday morning came, and since it was Thanksgiving week I had the day off (I took the whole week off) and as soon as Altex was open I headed over to get some new parts. Over the weekend I had decided to replace the motherboard and get a new box so that everything would fit. The box that I found that I liked is an Antec NSK2400. Also in talking to the sales person I decided to buy an ASUS 945GC-MX because the processor that I had was an Intel P4 Socket 775 processor. I took all of that home and started to play again.
After I got home I took everything out of my old DVR box (which was a considerable feat). Once I had everything out I started to go through the motherboard manual and the new encolosure manual to make sure that I connected all the wires from the enclosure to the headers on the motherboard. As I was scanning through the motherboard manual I discovered that the board that they recommended would only support a maximum of 1gb of memory. It would also only support memory modules that have a max of 512 mb. Since I am building a media center PC and since I only had a 1 gb stick of memory this board was not going to work. So I took the board back to Altex along with the second video card (I had compromised earlier to get a card that was not as powerful as what I wanted so that it would fit into the old box and wanted to get the one that I had previously decided upon). I explained my issue and told them what I wanted and they graciously helped me out. In fact they gave me a bit of a discount (I think that they were a little embarrased over the issue with the mother board) and I was able to get a better motherboard (Intel DG41TY) and the previous video card for an even swap of what I was returning. That made me happy.
I took my new parts home and started again to put things together. I got the motherboard, memory, hard drive, DVD player, processor, video card and such installed and plugged it in to go for a test run. After plugging it in I could see that there was power (fans started and motherboard indicator light came on) though there was nothing coming up on the screen. Also I did not hear any of the costomary "beeps" that the motherboard plays to let you know that it is working or if there is an issue. I did some research and found out that the processor that I have is based on the Intel Prescott core which is .90 nm and is a 775 slot processor. The motherboard supports a 775 processors with the exception of this one. It seems that Intel produced one 775 motherboard with a .90 nm form factor though a majority of the processors with this slot format have a .45 nm form factor and as such this motherboard supports all slot 775 processors except for the one that I have. In fact I found out that it would be difficult for me to buy a motherboard for the processor that I have from a store since most stores do not carry them any more. So I headed back to Altex.
I decided to buy a new processor to fit the new motherboard. I purchased an Intel E5200 Dual Core 2.5 ghz processor. After I got home I put the new processor and heatsink on the motherboard (which I had to take everything out of the box because the previous heatsink mounted to the bottom of the board). After I got everything back in I plugged it in and my media center actually started up. Now, due to the change in the motherboard and because some of the custom HP hardware was missing I was getting a few errors when the OS started and had to run some repair processes to fix things. That seemed to fix things though I was still getting random errors that I could not explain. The stability of the machine was in question so I decided to wipe out the machine and reinstall the OS. I resinstalled the OS and all the new device drivers and things started to run wonderfully. Luckily I had backed up all my media on an external drive prior to this point so I did not lose any of my TV recordings and such.
Now that the machine is stable I proceeded to resolve the next issue. In the old machine there was an external card that was connected to the motherboard via a firewire header. Unfortunately I did not realize this until after I had gotten everything together and did not make sure that the motherboard I purchased had this element and it did not. I was not about to rip everything out again and replace the board just for this. I decided to buy an internal firewire card and a cheap firewire cable. I modified the cable to connect to the wire from the external card and then connect to the firewire port on the PCI card. I tried many things, and I could not get the motherboard to recognize the elements on the external card. I am not one to give up, in fact I believe that I can figure just about anything out given time and the right tools and the internet. Unfortunately, I did not have the time or patience to troubleshoot this further (my vacation time was almost up). So I convinced myself that the reason why I could not get it to work is because I did not have the proper device drivers to tell the motherboard to talk to the external card (which could be correct but I doubt it) and decided to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse.
I went to bestbuy on Black Friday to see what deals I could find. While I was there I found that they had a new Hauppauge TV tuner card on sale. One thing to note is that we had just cancelled our cable (so that we could focus on getting rid of my student loans) and my current TV tuner cards were no longer working since they were analog and the over-the-air networks were not all broadcasting in digital. Since the cards were on sale I decided to purchase Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1850 Dual Tuner card with Media Center remote and a Microsoft Wireless Media Desktop 1000 Keyboard and Mouse.
I plugged the new video capture card in and plugged the keyboard and mouse in. I was very satisfied with the performance of the video capture cards (though there is a bit of a lag in the channels though I think that it is due to the antenna and not the cards themselves). I was sorely disappointed in that the keyboard and mouse only had a range of six feet. I did not see that on the box and did not discover it until I read the instructions in the manual. I was not about to take another thing back so for now I am dealing with it. Another frustrating thing was that even though the remote worked with Media Center it would not work with anything else. I discovered that there is an INI file for the remote drivers that control which applications it can talk to. I found a support page on Sage's website where someone had put instructions on how to edit the INI file so that the remote control can work with other applications (link). After following these instructions I was able to use the remote control with Hulu (which has become a staple in my life without cable) and other applications.
At this point I am done with the rebuild. Initially my desire was just to replace the video card and keep everything else the same though I ended up with everything changing with the exception of the OS and hard drive. Everything else was new. It is amazing how a project that initially looked pretty simple could escallate into something that was pretty complex and difficult to do. In looking back I think that I would have been better off just starting over new and building a new DVR from the ground up instead of trying to take existing hardware and trying to build a new DVR using it. I think that the cost would have been about the same or cheaper due to the driving around, testing, and time. It was still cheaper than buying an equivelant machine from a PC manufacturer though it was still much more than I wanted to spend.
Another benefit is that I had a grand time playing with hardware. It has been a long time since I have built a machine or anything like it. I came to find out how easy it is to build a DVR. I am listing all the elements of what I ended up with below. It is not the most powerful of machines though it runs quite nicely and meets all of my current needs with the ability to upgrade in the future.
Machine Details:
Enclosure: Antec NSK2400
Power Supply (I replaced the 350w that came with the box): Ultra LS 400w ATX Power Supply
Motherboard: Intel DG41TY
OS: Windows Media Center 2005
Hard drive: Seagate SATA 200 gb drive 7200 rpm
Memory: 2 gb DDR2 600 mhz
Processor: Intel E5200 Dual Core 2.5 ghz
Video Card: EVGA GeForce 9500 GT
Video Capture Card: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1850
Keyboard/Mouse: Microsoft Wireless Media Desktop 1000
External Hard Drive: Seagate FreeAgent Xtreme 1tb drive
Network Card: Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter WMP54G
DVD Drive: LG 10x BluRay Rewriter BH10LS30
Additional Adapter: Dual ESATA 2 Bracket (for external drive)
This is a collection of thoughts, articles, helpful hints of mine (or at times others) that are technology related
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Venturing into the world of Virtualization Day 3
It has taken me a couple of days to get back to this due to illness and other priorities (I know what kind of nerd am I when I allow other things to take priority). Anyway, I was left trying to discover a way to use the automatic recovery process with a backup file that was on a hard disk and not a virtual disk.
The approach that I finally took was that I just restored a new Windows Server 2003 image, shared the drive that had the back up and copied the back up to a virtual drive. I did not want to do a normal restore from the backup because I wanted to make sure that I restored the system state and all that as well. So I changed the virtual server's bios to boot off of a CD and started the install again though this time I was able to go through the normal restore process and find the backup. The problem that I ran into next was that somehow my backup file became corrupted and I kept getting the message that there are miscelaneous characters in the back file and the process could not proceed (or something to that effect). So I was left with rebuilding the server from scratch. Luckily all the important data was stored on a secondary drive and was not lost.
My next venture that I started was to create a new Ubuntu Server from scratch. I am not a Linux expert and it has been a very long time since I went through my Linux courses in college so this will be an experience.
So I downloaded the Ubuntu Server ISO from ubuntu.com. Once it was fully downloaded I then created a small 8gb virtual machine and started it using the ISO as the cd drive. The install went very smooth. No errors or questions that I did not know the answer to.
Next you will see what a Windows tool I am. I got done with the install and the server was just staring at me with a command prompt. I felt very out of my element so I jumped on-line to find out how to launch one of the GUIs that I am sure is available for it. There is a GNOME and a KDE interface available though there seemed to be some concern with security holes when using these. now this is just a play environment so I am not as concerned about security since it will not be outside of my firewall though I decided to follow the advice of many and not load a GUI. I did find quite a few people recommending a website called webmin. Being a web developer, my interest was piqued. I did a search and found a post that someone provided on how to install Webmin (click here). The instructions were great. I did not have any issues and everything installed with out any issues, which is impressive since I really do not know what I am doing in Linux (I know a few things but it has been a long while).
Now that this piece was done I needed to setup the server so that the IP address was not determined by DHCP and that there was an entry in my AD DNS so that I could easily get to the website without having to remember the IP address. I found a good tutorial on how to edit the IP address information (click here). Then I added the CName reference in DNS on my AD server. I then browsed to the website for teh first time and was pretty impressed by what this admin application offered. They were not boasting when they said that there was no need for a GUI and anything you needed to do from a visual perspective was handled by this app. I know that all the hard-core Linux persons probably would not look at this since they love their console, though for me this was a wonderful compromise. Now the default theme was not to my liking though I did find one that I did like and went with that.
My next eperiament is to try to install a new web application that I have recently become aware of that looks very interesting. The application is an open source portal called Liferay. I saw a demo of it the other day and was very impressed by what it can do.
As is my want for most new installs I went on-line and found a website that had some instructions on how to install Liferay on a Ubuntu server (click here). In the instructions they have a shell script that you can download and run. I downloaded it and then uploaded it to the server via my Webmin site, configured it to run as an app and then executed it.
One of the steps in the process involved installing Postfix. This is a mail handling application. I was not sure what some of the options were. I did a search on-line and that did not help much so I kind of guessed. I have an Exchange 2003 environment on my small business server and I wanted to link this up to that. So I selected the "Internet with Smart Host" option which then prompted me to enter the domain and SMTP info for my email server (I am assuming that I selected the right option since based upon these options). So far no errors.
Next I went through the steps to download the files and setup mysql in preperation for the liferay install. No issues with any of those steps thoughI came to find out that the base Ubuntu install does not have a the "unzip" utility installed. Not a big problem. Once I installed it I did not have any issues.
I completed everything in the script and then I switched back to my admin account (it is not good to do too mcuh with the root account) and disabled my root account again.
There were a few more steps on the instructions that needed to be followed after the script was completed. I got to the point where it was time to start the liferay web application and I get an error telling me that I need to set either the JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variables in order to run this program. I added the entry into the files ~/.bashrc, /etc/bash.bashrc, ~/.profile for the root user as well as my admin account and the process still would not start. I then added the JAVA_HOME entry from the instructions into the start.sh script (which I know is not optimal) and the process started. I am not sure what I was doing wrong though it is working now.
Well, something went wrong. The liferay page displayed once, but is no longer displaying. I am getting a PHP error. I will revisit this later when I have time.
The approach that I finally took was that I just restored a new Windows Server 2003 image, shared the drive that had the back up and copied the back up to a virtual drive. I did not want to do a normal restore from the backup because I wanted to make sure that I restored the system state and all that as well. So I changed the virtual server's bios to boot off of a CD and started the install again though this time I was able to go through the normal restore process and find the backup. The problem that I ran into next was that somehow my backup file became corrupted and I kept getting the message that there are miscelaneous characters in the back file and the process could not proceed (or something to that effect). So I was left with rebuilding the server from scratch. Luckily all the important data was stored on a secondary drive and was not lost.
My next venture that I started was to create a new Ubuntu Server from scratch. I am not a Linux expert and it has been a very long time since I went through my Linux courses in college so this will be an experience.
So I downloaded the Ubuntu Server ISO from ubuntu.com. Once it was fully downloaded I then created a small 8gb virtual machine and started it using the ISO as the cd drive. The install went very smooth. No errors or questions that I did not know the answer to.
Next you will see what a Windows tool I am. I got done with the install and the server was just staring at me with a command prompt. I felt very out of my element so I jumped on-line to find out how to launch one of the GUIs that I am sure is available for it. There is a GNOME and a KDE interface available though there seemed to be some concern with security holes when using these. now this is just a play environment so I am not as concerned about security since it will not be outside of my firewall though I decided to follow the advice of many and not load a GUI. I did find quite a few people recommending a website called webmin. Being a web developer, my interest was piqued. I did a search and found a post that someone provided on how to install Webmin (click here). The instructions were great. I did not have any issues and everything installed with out any issues, which is impressive since I really do not know what I am doing in Linux (I know a few things but it has been a long while).
Now that this piece was done I needed to setup the server so that the IP address was not determined by DHCP and that there was an entry in my AD DNS so that I could easily get to the website without having to remember the IP address. I found a good tutorial on how to edit the IP address information (click here). Then I added the CName reference in DNS on my AD server. I then browsed to the website for teh first time and was pretty impressed by what this admin application offered. They were not boasting when they said that there was no need for a GUI and anything you needed to do from a visual perspective was handled by this app. I know that all the hard-core Linux persons probably would not look at this since they love their console, though for me this was a wonderful compromise. Now the default theme was not to my liking though I did find one that I did like and went with that.
My next eperiament is to try to install a new web application that I have recently become aware of that looks very interesting. The application is an open source portal called Liferay. I saw a demo of it the other day and was very impressed by what it can do.
As is my want for most new installs I went on-line and found a website that had some instructions on how to install Liferay on a Ubuntu server (click here). In the instructions they have a shell script that you can download and run. I downloaded it and then uploaded it to the server via my Webmin site, configured it to run as an app and then executed it.
One of the steps in the process involved installing Postfix. This is a mail handling application. I was not sure what some of the options were. I did a search on-line and that did not help much so I kind of guessed. I have an Exchange 2003 environment on my small business server and I wanted to link this up to that. So I selected the "Internet with Smart Host" option which then prompted me to enter the domain and SMTP info for my email server (I am assuming that I selected the right option since based upon these options). So far no errors.
Next I went through the steps to download the files and setup mysql in preperation for the liferay install. No issues with any of those steps thoughI came to find out that the base Ubuntu install does not have a the "unzip" utility installed. Not a big problem. Once I installed it I did not have any issues.
I completed everything in the script and then I switched back to my admin account (it is not good to do too mcuh with the root account) and disabled my root account again.
There were a few more steps on the instructions that needed to be followed after the script was completed. I got to the point where it was time to start the liferay web application and I get an error telling me that I need to set either the JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variables in order to run this program. I added the entry into the files ~/.bashrc, /etc/bash.bashrc, ~/.profile for the root user as well as my admin account and the process still would not start. I then added the JAVA_HOME entry from the instructions into the start.sh script (which I know is not optimal) and the process started. I am not sure what I was doing wrong though it is working now.
Well, something went wrong. The liferay page displayed once, but is no longer displaying. I am getting a PHP error. I will revisit this later when I have time.
Ubuntu Server,
VMWare ESXi 4,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Venturing into the world of Virtualization Day 2
Day 1
Well today starts day two of this venture. I opened the client again and was prompted that this is an eval version and that I have 30 days left. This confused me a bit since when I registered on the website I got the impression that this was their free application which would make one assume that this was no evaluation. Also, I received a license key for the software but cannot find anywhere in the client to enter the key. I am not done with the install guide so maybe that part is somewhere down the line though I think that this is the first annoying encounter with the client application.
Now on to contiue the setup. I found the next annoying thing with the client and that is that the setup guide has instructions that either do not fit with this version or something was missed since I do not have any options in my "basic tasks" section of the "getting started" tab in the application. In order to download some appliances I had to go to the menu option file->va marketplace and then click on the link for Virtual Appliances. A round about way of getting what I wanted though a pain all together.
An interesting thing just happened. I have been browsing through what is in the client, and I am not sure what I did but now the options that I mentioned before in the "basic tasks" are now available. I am not sure what I did to make them available but they are there now.
I was able to download an appliance and upload the files though it seems that the wizard does not work with the free version of ESXi. You have to download the files onto your machine and then go to the "summary" tab in vSphere Client, right click on the data store that you want the files on and select "Browse Datastore", click the icon on the toolbar to upload the files, and then browse to the files that you are interested it. Not too difficult though the process could have been conceived better.
Now that I had done that it was time to try to rebuild my dead server from the last backup that I ran. This posed to be a bit of a problem. The back up that I have is a BAK file on a usb external hard drive. I was able to create a new Windows appliance with all the drives that would be the same size as the physical server had, I was able to start it and using my windows 2003 server CD, and the auto recovery disk start the process of the recovery. The problem lies in that I cannot find a way to either connect this USB drive to the server to be recognized as a drive or to create an image of the drive and convert it to a virtual drive (vmdk file). Supposedly there is a utility that can help me though I cannot find it. I did a lot of digging around online and I am having trouble trying to find anything useful. There are a lot of command line utils that people have suggested though most seem to be on linux. I saw one posting that talked about mounting the drive using a command line util to the ESXi server though I could not figure out how to make that work. I need to stop playing with this today and take care of some other things so there will need to be a day 3 and maybe 4 or 5 of this process. Either that or scrapping VMWare to try out XenServer which I hear has a much easier admin interface to work with.
So long for today.
Well today starts day two of this venture. I opened the client again and was prompted that this is an eval version and that I have 30 days left. This confused me a bit since when I registered on the website I got the impression that this was their free application which would make one assume that this was no evaluation. Also, I received a license key for the software but cannot find anywhere in the client to enter the key. I am not done with the install guide so maybe that part is somewhere down the line though I think that this is the first annoying encounter with the client application.
Now on to contiue the setup. I found the next annoying thing with the client and that is that the setup guide has instructions that either do not fit with this version or something was missed since I do not have any options in my "basic tasks" section of the "getting started" tab in the application. In order to download some appliances I had to go to the menu option file->va marketplace and then click on the link for Virtual Appliances. A round about way of getting what I wanted though a pain all together.
An interesting thing just happened. I have been browsing through what is in the client, and I am not sure what I did but now the options that I mentioned before in the "basic tasks" are now available. I am not sure what I did to make them available but they are there now.
I was able to download an appliance and upload the files though it seems that the wizard does not work with the free version of ESXi. You have to download the files onto your machine and then go to the "summary" tab in vSphere Client, right click on the data store that you want the files on and select "Browse Datastore", click the icon on the toolbar to upload the files, and then browse to the files that you are interested it. Not too difficult though the process could have been conceived better.
Now that I had done that it was time to try to rebuild my dead server from the last backup that I ran. This posed to be a bit of a problem. The back up that I have is a BAK file on a usb external hard drive. I was able to create a new Windows appliance with all the drives that would be the same size as the physical server had, I was able to start it and using my windows 2003 server CD, and the auto recovery disk start the process of the recovery. The problem lies in that I cannot find a way to either connect this USB drive to the server to be recognized as a drive or to create an image of the drive and convert it to a virtual drive (vmdk file). Supposedly there is a utility that can help me though I cannot find it. I did a lot of digging around online and I am having trouble trying to find anything useful. There are a lot of command line utils that people have suggested though most seem to be on linux. I saw one posting that talked about mounting the drive using a command line util to the ESXi server though I could not figure out how to make that work. I need to stop playing with this today and take care of some other things so there will need to be a day 3 and maybe 4 or 5 of this process. Either that or scrapping VMWare to try out XenServer which I hear has a much easier admin interface to work with.
So long for today.
VMWare ESXi 4
Friday, September 25, 2009
Venturing into the world of Virtualization Day 1
Recently one of my servers at home died. It is a big pain when something that you rely on is suddenly gone. Well, I had two options; one to buy the parts I think I need to fix the server though do not really know if that will do the job, two purchase a different server.
Right now money is a little tight so I have been putting this decision off though things have been starting to get a little difficult in trying to access files that I need and having our desktop computers talk to each other and such. So I started looking around ebay and craig's list and I put together a list of potentials. Based upon features and I will admit company trust I purchased a slightly used HP DL145 G2 server. It has Two dual core opteron 2.2 ghz processors, 4 gb of memory and 1 tb of disk space. It only took 3 days for it to gether here. In fact it arrived this afternoon. Needless to say my I was a bit excited (I know I am a nerd).
Well, one of the decisions that I made when purchasing this server was that I would consolidate the two servers that I have (one working and the other not working) into one server using virtualization. I am a bit of a novice when it comes to this technology though we use it quite a bit at work. Since we use VMWare ESX as work I was leaning towards that solution though I hear XenServer is also very good (MS HyperVisor is still too new for me to want to deal with it). So after work today I downloaded ESXi 4, burned it to a disk and off I went.
After a couple of hours of frustration on why I could not get the thing working I started doing some research and playing around (I am not one to call it quites, I have to know why it was not working). Anyway, I came to find out that the server I bought is not on the hardware compatibility list for VMWare. If I had know that in the first place I probably would have selected a different server, though since I do not do my due dilligence I am stuck with either figuring out how to make it work or giving up and trying another solution.
As I mentioned before, I am not one for giving up. I came to find out that the reason why ESXi does not like this server is due to the SCSI/SATA card that the two drives are plugged into by default. For those not familiar with this model it has a small back plane in the middle of the server that has a riser card plugged into it that supports PCI-X cards. One of the two slots contains a SATA 300 TX4 card which has a cable that plugs into the SCSI port on the mother board. ESXi does not work with drives that are connected to the server via a port or the backplane (at least that is my understanding and it is accurate in the case of this server). At this point in time all that I had mentioned was just an assumption. I needed a way to test it out and see if there was a way around it. We in looking at the mother board I found that it has two SATA ports on the board that the drives can plug into and bypass the backplane all together. Now I am not that familiar with all the features and functionality of this server yes so I am not sure yet if this is a good idea or not though I needed to test out a theory. Needless to say my assumption turned out to be correct. As soon as I changed the ports for those drives everything was working fabulously. I was able to boot up to the instance and I must say that I was a little disapointed. The interface has a lot to be desired. Say what you want about Microsoft but its interfaces are pretty funcitonal even though there may be some performance or security issues.
After configuring the VERY few options on the server I then flipped over to my desktop and browsed to the server (actually I set up a DNS entry for the server first in AD so that I can use a URL instead of an IP address). I downloaded the vSphere Client application and installed it and it all went smoothly. I then opened the vSphere Host Update Utility 4 (might as well make sure that everything is up-to-date). I was informed that there were some patches available, I downloaded them and installed them as easy as can be. After all my initial issues it almost seems to easy. I keep expecting something to go wrong, though so far so good. After the patches were applied the utility rebooted the ESXi server and everything came back up without any issues. I am still feeling like there is some impending doom awaiting me, maybe it is just the cynical IT guy always expecting the worst.
Next I opened the vSphere client application, logged onto the server and no errors or issues. The interface is nice and clean. Not a lot of clutter on it which is something that I like. So far so good. Currently it is 11:30 pm in the evening and even though I want to stay up and be nerdy I need to get some sleep. I will begin my foray into the world of creating vertual machines on the VM Server Tomorrow.
Good Night.
Day 2
Right now money is a little tight so I have been putting this decision off though things have been starting to get a little difficult in trying to access files that I need and having our desktop computers talk to each other and such. So I started looking around ebay and craig's list and I put together a list of potentials. Based upon features and I will admit company trust I purchased a slightly used HP DL145 G2 server. It has Two dual core opteron 2.2 ghz processors, 4 gb of memory and 1 tb of disk space. It only took 3 days for it to gether here. In fact it arrived this afternoon. Needless to say my I was a bit excited (I know I am a nerd).
Well, one of the decisions that I made when purchasing this server was that I would consolidate the two servers that I have (one working and the other not working) into one server using virtualization. I am a bit of a novice when it comes to this technology though we use it quite a bit at work. Since we use VMWare ESX as work I was leaning towards that solution though I hear XenServer is also very good (MS HyperVisor is still too new for me to want to deal with it). So after work today I downloaded ESXi 4, burned it to a disk and off I went.
After a couple of hours of frustration on why I could not get the thing working I started doing some research and playing around (I am not one to call it quites, I have to know why it was not working). Anyway, I came to find out that the server I bought is not on the hardware compatibility list for VMWare. If I had know that in the first place I probably would have selected a different server, though since I do not do my due dilligence I am stuck with either figuring out how to make it work or giving up and trying another solution.
As I mentioned before, I am not one for giving up. I came to find out that the reason why ESXi does not like this server is due to the SCSI/SATA card that the two drives are plugged into by default. For those not familiar with this model it has a small back plane in the middle of the server that has a riser card plugged into it that supports PCI-X cards. One of the two slots contains a SATA 300 TX4 card which has a cable that plugs into the SCSI port on the mother board. ESXi does not work with drives that are connected to the server via a port or the backplane (at least that is my understanding and it is accurate in the case of this server). At this point in time all that I had mentioned was just an assumption. I needed a way to test it out and see if there was a way around it. We in looking at the mother board I found that it has two SATA ports on the board that the drives can plug into and bypass the backplane all together. Now I am not that familiar with all the features and functionality of this server yes so I am not sure yet if this is a good idea or not though I needed to test out a theory. Needless to say my assumption turned out to be correct. As soon as I changed the ports for those drives everything was working fabulously. I was able to boot up to the instance and I must say that I was a little disapointed. The interface has a lot to be desired. Say what you want about Microsoft but its interfaces are pretty funcitonal even though there may be some performance or security issues.
After configuring the VERY few options on the server I then flipped over to my desktop and browsed to the server (actually I set up a DNS entry for the server first in AD so that I can use a URL instead of an IP address). I downloaded the vSphere Client application and installed it and it all went smoothly. I then opened the vSphere Host Update Utility 4 (might as well make sure that everything is up-to-date). I was informed that there were some patches available, I downloaded them and installed them as easy as can be. After all my initial issues it almost seems to easy. I keep expecting something to go wrong, though so far so good. After the patches were applied the utility rebooted the ESXi server and everything came back up without any issues. I am still feeling like there is some impending doom awaiting me, maybe it is just the cynical IT guy always expecting the worst.
Next I opened the vSphere client application, logged onto the server and no errors or issues. The interface is nice and clean. Not a lot of clutter on it which is something that I like. So far so good. Currently it is 11:30 pm in the evening and even though I want to stay up and be nerdy I need to get some sleep. I will begin my foray into the world of creating vertual machines on the VM Server Tomorrow.
Good Night.
Day 2
VMWare ESXi 4
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Active Directory User Class Update
Here is a link to an article I just posted on Code Project's website (Article)
Active Directory,
Monday, February 9, 2009
My Favorite Excel Function
I have come to realize that many of us use software applications and in most cases only know just the surface level functionality of those applications, the common elements that we use on a regular basis. Many of these applications have a lot of really useful and time saving features that just are not well know.
One of these applications that I use on a regular basis is Microsoft Excel. Being a data guy there are many times when I am given a file or multiple files and have to do some sort of data cleansing. A function that is not well know to most but that I use a lot is called VLOOKUP. This be far is my favorite function because it saves me a little time. It allows me the ability to match two different pieces of data from two different spreadsheets in the file using a common key (i.e. I have a file from our HR system and a file from our Network OS (NOS) and I need to make sure that the name fields in the NOS match the name fields from the HR file, I can take both data sets and using the employee ID and my handly VLOOKUP function and can do a mass match of the two datasets and then compare the pieces of data using a simple IF statement).
This may not seem like that big of a deal but when you are dealing with over 6,000 records this can cut down eval time from 6 or 7 hours to about 30 minutes with a lot less chance of mistakes.
If you have a favorite feature to an application that most people do not know about then reply to this post with the info and share away.
One of these applications that I use on a regular basis is Microsoft Excel. Being a data guy there are many times when I am given a file or multiple files and have to do some sort of data cleansing. A function that is not well know to most but that I use a lot is called VLOOKUP. This be far is my favorite function because it saves me a little time. It allows me the ability to match two different pieces of data from two different spreadsheets in the file using a common key (i.e. I have a file from our HR system and a file from our Network OS (NOS) and I need to make sure that the name fields in the NOS match the name fields from the HR file, I can take both data sets and using the employee ID and my handly VLOOKUP function and can do a mass match of the two datasets and then compare the pieces of data using a simple IF statement).
This may not seem like that big of a deal but when you are dealing with over 6,000 records this can cut down eval time from 6 or 7 hours to about 30 minutes with a lot less chance of mistakes.
If you have a favorite feature to an application that most people do not know about then reply to this post with the info and share away.
Hidden Gems
Monday, January 26, 2009
I am a big fan of using shortcuts since it helps to streamline computer use. Here is a link to a list of common shortcuts that works on most Microsoft applications (Link). Below is a list of the shortcuts that I use the most.
General keyboard shortcuts
• CTRL+C (Copy)
• CTRL+X (Cut)
• CTRL+V (Paste)
• CTRL+Z (Undo)
• DELETE (Delete)
• SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)
• CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
• CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
• F2 key (Rename the selected item)
• CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)
• CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)
• CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)
• CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
• CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text)
• SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)
• CTRL+A (Select all)
• F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
• ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)
• ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)
• ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)
• ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)
• CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
• ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
• ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)
• F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)
• F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
• SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
• ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window)
• CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu)
• ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display the corresponding menu)
• Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu (Perform the corresponding command)
• F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active program)
• RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu)
• LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu)
• F5 key (Update the active window)
• BACKSPACE (View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
• ESC (Cancel the current task)
• SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing)
• CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (Open Task Manager)
Microsoft natural keyboard shortcuts
• Windows Logo (Display or hide the Start menu)
• Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)
• Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop)
• Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)
• Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restore the minimized windows)
• Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)
• Windows Logo+F (Search for a file or a folder)
• CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers)
• Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help)
• Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard)
• Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box)
• Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager)
General keyboard shortcuts
• CTRL+C (Copy)
• CTRL+X (Cut)
• CTRL+V (Paste)
• CTRL+Z (Undo)
• DELETE (Delete)
• SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)
• CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
• CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
• F2 key (Rename the selected item)
• CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)
• CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)
• CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)
• CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
• CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text)
• SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)
• CTRL+A (Select all)
• F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
• ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)
• ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)
• ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)
• ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)
• CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
• ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
• ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)
• F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)
• F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
• SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
• ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window)
• CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu)
• ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display the corresponding menu)
• Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu (Perform the corresponding command)
• F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active program)
• RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu)
• LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu)
• F5 key (Update the active window)
• BACKSPACE (View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
• ESC (Cancel the current task)
• SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing)
• CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (Open Task Manager)
Microsoft natural keyboard shortcuts
• Windows Logo (Display or hide the Start menu)
• Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)
• Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop)
• Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)
• Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restore the minimized windows)
• Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)
• Windows Logo+F (Search for a file or a folder)
• CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers)
• Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help)
• Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard)
• Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box)
• Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager)
Tips and Tricks
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Is your router secure?
The internet has become a staple in the most homes around the country. It is to the point where you might hear non technical persons talking about setting up their router and so for and actually knowing what they are talking about.
One of the biggest issues with this phenomenon is that the companies that sell the equipment for persons to have high speed internet from home do not provide proper instruction on how to keep them safe from the world in general. in the days of dial-up (hope they never come back) there was a degree of safety provided by the ISP. Now we have wireless and wire routers that provide our access (through a modem) to the internet and the protection is not as good. The biggest danger is with wireless routers since there is virtually no to physically barrier others from its communication.
If wireless routers are not setup correctly then it is possible for others to either hijack your router or the communications that you make through it. A devious person could go down to Radio Shack and buy the equipment to be able to scan your communications and steal personal and confidential information from you. It is also possible for someone to be able to do illegal activities from your internet connection which could get you in a lot of trouble. It is possible for these persons to also be able to access your computers and steal your information which can lead to identity theft and other problems.
I do not write this to scare people away from the internet but to scare them to protect themselves from those people who have no morals or ethics. I have friends and family that have all been affected by some of these scenarios all of which could have been prevented if they knew about some of the features that are available in their equipment. The reality is that it is almost impossible to be completely secure from the outside world. What you want to do is make it difficult enough that these persons either do not see it worth their time to get around all that or let them find someone else that an easier target.
I have compiled a list of suggested configuration changes to make on your home routers. Typically most people install their router, go through the wizard and leave all or most of their configuration setting at the default setting. The danger of this is that if someone is trying hack your router they will try all the default for the most common manufacturers.
One of the biggest issues with this phenomenon is that the companies that sell the equipment for persons to have high speed internet from home do not provide proper instruction on how to keep them safe from the world in general. in the days of dial-up (hope they never come back) there was a degree of safety provided by the ISP. Now we have wireless and wire routers that provide our access (through a modem) to the internet and the protection is not as good. The biggest danger is with wireless routers since there is virtually no to physically barrier others from its communication.
If wireless routers are not setup correctly then it is possible for others to either hijack your router or the communications that you make through it. A devious person could go down to Radio Shack and buy the equipment to be able to scan your communications and steal personal and confidential information from you. It is also possible for someone to be able to do illegal activities from your internet connection which could get you in a lot of trouble. It is possible for these persons to also be able to access your computers and steal your information which can lead to identity theft and other problems.
I do not write this to scare people away from the internet but to scare them to protect themselves from those people who have no morals or ethics. I have friends and family that have all been affected by some of these scenarios all of which could have been prevented if they knew about some of the features that are available in their equipment. The reality is that it is almost impossible to be completely secure from the outside world. What you want to do is make it difficult enough that these persons either do not see it worth their time to get around all that or let them find someone else that an easier target.
I have compiled a list of suggested configuration changes to make on your home routers. Typically most people install their router, go through the wizard and leave all or most of their configuration setting at the default setting. The danger of this is that if someone is trying hack your router they will try all the default for the most common manufacturers.
- Change the default IP address on your router.
- Disable wireless broadcasting (if you are using Windows Vista you will need to change a default setting in your wireless network properties. There is a setting called "Connect even if the network is not broadcasting" and it will need to be check or you will not be able to connect after broadcasting is turned off)
- Setup encryption, WEP, WPA, RADIUS... Something is better than nothing. Each of these different types have benefits and disadvantages and you should research each to determine which is best for you. None of them are completely secure though paired with some of these other tips they will keep you secure enough to prevent all but the most intent hackers.
- Use a complex passphrash for your encryption key (other languages, words with nubmbers and characters, putting together a phrase and using parts of that phrase to make the passphrase....)
- Setup the wireless MAC address filter and only allow MAC addresses that you define in the configuration.
- Turn on the firewall features. I would think that this would be a no brainer though this is actually an option that you can turn off.
- Set it up to block anonymous requests.
- Do not open any ports that are not abosolutely necessary. One of the biggest offenders of this is file sharing programs. I hate these applications, they are the bane of safe systems everywhere and are the breeding ground for virus delivery and computer performance problems. I will leave the legal/illegal debate for others. I recommend never using them because they will eventually cause you more problems than good, and they require you to have ports open at all times that increases your risk to the outside world. Also most of the groups that create these applications make them almost impossible to remove them from the computer without having to modify your registry and other things that could also cause problems if you do not know what you are doing.
- Never configure your router to have a computer in the DMZ unless it is absolutely necessary.
- Change the defauly password on the router (e.g. on a linksys router the default login is a blank username and the password of admin).
- If you need to have the remote management feature turned on for the router change the default port.
- Last but not least is to make sure that you keep up-to-date on any firmware updates for your router. These can be found by going to the manufacuter's website and searching for your router model number.
I hope that some of these tips will be of use to anyone that reads this and it helps to keep you secure from any morons out there that try to take advantage of others.
Happy Computing!
The power of the [SHIFT] key
For anyone that has ever been frustrated by coputer systems and some applications like MS Access that launch in a mode the runs scripts to lock the environment down there is a secret that administrators and some developers would not like you to know about. There is a way to by pass the execution of these administrative scripts. By holding down the [SHIFT] key while the application is loading you can bypass the execution of these scripts.
Example: I have a computer that is setup to automatically log into a specified user account and run some administrative scripts to lock down the system. If I reboot the computer and start holding down the [SHIFT] key after the initial OS spalsh page appears then instead of the OS automatically logging in via the scripting it will go to the login screen so that I can log in with what ever account I want. Now if there are scripts that are tied to a user account this will not bypass that but it will bypass any scripts that are set to automatically run for that computer.
Another example: I have a MS Access database that is locked down to hide the database window and there is an Autoexec module set to execute at the launching of the application. If I hold down the [SHIFT] key and while holding it down and launch the application then I will bypass all of that and the application will open up to the database window. The only time where this will not work is when the database has been converted to the MDE file format.
I am sure that there are other applications where this feature exists though I have not done a lot of research on it.
--- 1/26/09 ---
I came across another use of the [SHIFT] key. If you want to insert a CD or DVD into your computer without being prompted to select an application to launch it then hold down the [SHIFT] key when inserting the CD or DVD.
Example: I have a computer that is setup to automatically log into a specified user account and run some administrative scripts to lock down the system. If I reboot the computer and start holding down the [SHIFT] key after the initial OS spalsh page appears then instead of the OS automatically logging in via the scripting it will go to the login screen so that I can log in with what ever account I want. Now if there are scripts that are tied to a user account this will not bypass that but it will bypass any scripts that are set to automatically run for that computer.
Another example: I have a MS Access database that is locked down to hide the database window and there is an Autoexec module set to execute at the launching of the application. If I hold down the [SHIFT] key and while holding it down and launch the application then I will bypass all of that and the application will open up to the database window. The only time where this will not work is when the database has been converted to the MDE file format.
I am sure that there are other applications where this feature exists though I have not done a lot of research on it.
--- 1/26/09 ---
I came across another use of the [SHIFT] key. If you want to insert a CD or DVD into your computer without being prompted to select an application to launch it then hold down the [SHIFT] key when inserting the CD or DVD.
Tips and Tricks
Monday, January 12, 2009
SQL 2005 Time Zone Conversion Functions
Recently I published an article about how to create time zone conversion functions for use with MS SQL 2005. The article can be found here.
Updated code can be found here.
Updated code can be found here.
SQL 2005,
Time Zone
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