Sunday, August 8, 2010

How to create a utility to send an email via the command line

A while ago I came across a need to create a utility that can send email from the command line.  The reason for this is that the client I was working with had an application that did not have email support but it did have the ability to make a call from the command line.  The client needed to have a process that could pick up a file that is generated from the application and send it to an email address.

There are quite a few ways to accomplish this and there are already some utilities that I have seen that can do this though my need was to have a solution in a very short period in time.  There was no need for any bells and whistles.  They only needed the base functionality to being able to send the file via email and they needed the solution as soon as possible.

I decided to build the utility using Visual Studio 2005 with Visual Basic (though C# is currently my preferred language).

I began by creating a console application called "sendmail".  I deleted the default module that was created when the project was created.  I added a new module named "SMTPMail".  In that module I have two classes, SMTPMail and SendNewMail.

The SMTPMail class is where I will setup the properties and functions needed to send the email.  The SendNewMail class is used as a wrapper to collect the informaion from the command line and pass it to the SMTPMail class.

In the SMTPMail class I first added variables needed to store the infomation to send the email
Private _from As String
Private _to As String
Private _toName As String
Private _cc As String
Private _bcc As String
Private _attachment As Attachment
Private _subject As String
Private _body As String
Private _smtpPort As Integer = 25
Private _smtpServer As String
Next I defined the properties needed to populate the variables

Public Property SendFrom() As String

Return _from
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_from = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SendTo() As String
Return _to
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_to = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SendToName() As String
Return _toName
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_toName = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SendCC() As String
Return _cc
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_cc = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SendBCC() As String
Return _bcc
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_bcc = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SendSubject() As String
Return _subject
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_subject = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SendBody() As String
Return _body
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_body = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SMTPPort() As Integer
Return _smtpPort
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_smtpPort = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property SMTPServer() As String
Return _smtpServer
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_smtpServer = value
End Set
End Property
The next step was to add a function to prepare the email message

Public Function PrepareMessage() As MailMessage

Dim toAddr As New MailAddress(_to, _toName)
Dim msg As New MailMessage(_from, _to, _subject, _body)

If Not _toName = String.Empty Then
End If

If Not _attachment Is Nothing Then
End If

If _cc <> "" Then
End If

If _bcc <> "" Then
End If

Return msg
End Function
The last elements that would need to be added to this class are the sub procedures needed to add the attachment to the message and the procedure to send the message.
Public Sub AddAttachment(ByVal FilePath As String)

_attachment = New Attachment(FilePath)
End Sub

Public Sub Send()
Dim mailClient As New SmtpClient(_smtpServer, _smtpPort)
End Sub
I did not add any comments (which is bad form) and there is not much explanation on each of the lines of code though it is very self explanitory if you are familiar with VB. 
Next I needed to add the code to the SendNewMail class to collect the information from the command line and send it to the SendMail class.
Within this class there is only one sub procedure, "Main".  This is the procudure that will be called by the console when the executable is run.  I began editing this procedure similar to the other class by creating the variables I needed to store the information passed from the command line.
Dim _sendMail As New SMTPMail
Dim _trace As Boolean = False
Dim trace As String
Dim logFile As String = "sendmail.log"
Dim writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(logFile, True)
Dim i As Integer = 0

NOTE:  The variable "_trace" is a boolean variable used to see if the user wants to create a log file to log all the transactions that pass through the executable.
Next I setup a for/next loop to cycle through each of the parameters that are passed from the command line and sets the variables with the passed values where appropriate.  A sample of the command line that I wanted to use would look like this:

c:\projects\sendmail\sendmail.exe /SMTPServer "servername" /To "" /From "" /Subject "test email" /Attachment "c:\projects\sendmail\test.pdf"
The for/next loop needed to be able to handle a command line in this format.  If any of the desired parameters are found in the command line arguments then the process will take the argument directly after it and assign it to the appropriate variable

For Each str As String In args

If str = "/SMTPServer" Then
_sendMail.SMTPServer = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/SMTPport" Then
_sendMail.SMTPPort = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/To" Then
_sendMail.SendTo = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/ToName" Then
_sendMail.SendToName = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/From" Then
_sendMail.SendFrom = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/Subject" Then
_sendMail.SendSubject = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/Body" Then
_sendMail.SendBody = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/CC" Then
_sendMail.SendCC = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/BCC" Then
_sendMail.SendBCC = args(i + 1).Replace("", """")
End If

If str = "/Attachment" Then
_sendMail.AddAttachment(args(i + 1))
End If

If str = "/Trace" Then
_trace = True
End If

i = i + 1
Lastly I created a "Try" statement to handle the sending of the email as well as some loging processes.  It is very important in development to add the ability to "trace" an application to help troubleshoot errors.  Within the "Try statment I check the _trace variable to see if the commandline had an argument to turn on tracing.  If it does then it will output all the values being send to the email process to the log file.  Next the process will call the function to send the email with the provided parameters.  If there is an issue with sending the email the the "Catch" portion of the statment will output the error to the log file and lastly the "Finaly" portion of the statement will clear and destroy any open references in the code.


If _trace Then
trace = "SMTPServer=" & _sendMail.SMTPServer & ":"
trace &= "SMTPPort=" & _sendMail.SMTPPort & ":"
trace &= "SentTo=" & _sendMail.SendTo & ":"
trace &= "SentToName=" & _sendMail.SendToName & ":"
trace &= "SendFrom=" & _sendMail.SendFrom & ":"
trace &= "SendSubject=" & _sendMail.SendSubject & ":"
trace &= "SendBody=" & _sendMail.SendBody & ":"
trace &= "SendCC=" & _sendMail.SendCC & ":"
trace &= "SendBCC=" & _sendMail.SendBCC & ":"
trace &= Now.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & " " & Now.TimeOfDay.ToString() & vbCrLf
End If


Catch ex As Exception
trace = ex.Message & " - " & ex.StackTrace.ToString & vbCrLf
trace &= Now.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & " " & Now.TimeOfDay.ToString() & vbCrLf

If Not writer Is Nothing Then
writer = Nothing
End If
End Try
End Sub
Click this link to download the vb file that I used in the project

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